12/23/2024 4:01:36 PM Keeping up the Pace: European Boost to Investment Into Women’s Sport By Lereesa Easterbrook Intisar Abdi Hiba Abdi Europe is investing in women’s sport like never before as investors are increasingly recognising the industry’s value. This article...
8/16/2024 2:51:31 PM Technology at Play – AI Tools for Player Scouting a Game-Changer in Football? By Ayo Adebajo Harry Ferguson Early indications are that artificial intelligence (AI) will have a transformative effect on player scouting within professional sport,...
2/23/2024 3:09:00 PM The Spanish Supreme Court rules on copyright ownership of characters depicted in artworks By Sorin Vilceanu The Spanish Supreme Court has established a clear distinction between the copyright of artworks and the copyright of characters featured...
10/28/2022 3:54:00 PM The Iberia Festival case: The Spanish Supreme Court finds infringement of a deceased artist’s image rights By David Fuentes The Supreme Court declares that the use of the deceased artist's image to advertise a music festival was an infringement of their image...
11/30/2021 4:48:00 PM Better late than never: Spain transposes Directives on copyright and related rights By David Fuentes In order to comply with the transposition obligation – yet with 5 months of delay and with a result that seems to be (at least)...
7/6/2021 4:55:00 PM New Spanish offensive against online piracy By David Fuentes Spain is aware of its opportunity to become one of the most important countries in the European audio-visual sector. For this reason, the...
4/28/2021 5:27:00 PM Advertising influencers and social media in Spain By Antonio Cueto On 5 March 2021, a resolution was handed down in Spain confirming that an advertisement owned by Samsung Electronics Iberia, S.A., which...
3/12/2021 7:28:00 PM Bullfighting: Artistic work or not? By David Fuentes The Spanish Supreme Court has declared in its Judgment of 16 February 2021 that bullfighting - hereafter, as it is called in Spain,...
3/10/2021 7:32:00 PM The use of influencers in Spanish advertising By Mariano Santos Antonio Cueto Candela Sotes On the 1st of January 2021, a new Code of Conduct, developed by AUTOCONTROL and the Spanish Association of Advertisers (AEA) and applying...
2/22/2021 7:45:00 PM Safeguarding copyright online in Spain – using administrative proceedings By David Fuentes In Spain, copyright holders can take advantage of a streamlined administrative procedure to challenge and resolve online infringements,...
4/28/2020 7:36:00 PM Courtroom Drama – Spanish courts rule in favour of scriptwriter behind Netflix’s smash hit series Money Heist By Mariano Santos La Casa de Papel (known as "Money Heist" in the UK), Netflix's most watched Spanish series, recently premiered its fourth season while...
4/9/2020 3:45:00 PM Gambling in a State of Alarm – New Publicity Rules in Spain By Mariano Santos Victor Horcajuelo and Mariano Santos report on new gambling publicity rules in force in Spain resulting from the increase in use of...