6/26/2020 6:30:00 PM Supreme Court defamation decision rules on public interest and judicial bias By Alexander Grigg Alex Grigg reports on a recent UK Supreme Court decision with important commentary on the public interest defence's applicability to...
6/11/2020 6:33:00 PM Update on online gambling in the Netherlands: licence holders will not be allowed to use their existing Dutch customer databases By Roelien van Neck Recently, the Minister’s answers to the latest round of questions in respect of the Remote Gambling Decree were sent to the Dutch...
6/10/2020 6:36:00 PM The Afghanistan Papers – Germany cannot prohibit the publication of military situation reports by invoking copyright law By Roman Brtka, LL.M. Roman Brtka reports on a recent decision by the German Federal Court of Justice ruling on the German Government's attempt to prevent...
6/5/2020 6:39:00 PM France passes a new legal framework for hosting providers By Djazia Tiourtite Djazia Tiourtite and Myriam Douillet report on a new legal framework for hosting providers, aimed at countering online hate speech, as...