4/23/2019 7:24:00 PM Player Safeguarding, Welfare and Education in Esports – A Pragmatic Approach for Tournament Organizers By Peter Rippel-Szabo As the growth of esports shows no signs of stopping, Peter Rippel-Szabo offers advice to tournament organizers on how to protect players’...
4/17/2019 7:29:00 PM MediaBytes – the last month on MediaWrites: data mining, Netflix and online harms By Katrina Baxter In the first instalment of our new video series, MediaBytes, Katrina Baxter talks to the authors of some recent posts which have been...
4/11/2019 7:34:00 PM The EU Copyright Directive: New exception for text and data mining By Benoit Van Asbroeck Following on from Eleonora Rosati's look at Article 15, Benoit Van Asbroeck and Charlotte Haine take a look at the next key provision in...
4/9/2019 7:43:00 PM The EU Copyright Directive: the press publishers’ right By Prof. Dr. Eleonora Rosati Eleonora Rosati begins our series of articles considering key provisions of the EU Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market...
4/8/2019 7:45:00 PM UK Government releases new proposals to regulate internet safety in Online Harms White Paper By Katrina Baxter The Home Office and Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) released today the Online Harms White Paper proposing a new...
4/5/2019 7:48:00 PM Netflix in Italy: Emerging competitors and legal implications of the changing TV and film industry By Gian Marco Rinaldi Gian Marco Rinaldi looks at the changing film and TV industry in Italy: the rising competitors and the potential impact on competition...
4/3/2019 7:53:00 PM Territorial licensing in Europe called into question by Pay-TV antitrust cases and new legislation By Francine Cunningham Chiara Horgan Pauline Van Sande, Francine Cunningham and Chiara Horgan explain the range of challenges to territorial licensing currently facing...
4/1/2019 7:58:00 PM To OTT or not to OTT? That is the (currently unanswerable) question By Richard McMorris In the second of our articles in the Tessellate series looking at how technology, media and sport are intersecting, Heston Aniteye,...