7/29/2021 4:40:00 PM How can drones give rise to a work protected by copyright? By David Fuentes The wide-ranging possibilities offered by drones mean that their use is rapidly becoming more widespread, including aerial photography,...
7/22/2021 4:45:00 PM The launch of the Digital Scholarship Institute By Maisie Briggs In mid-May The Digital Scholarship Institute (the “Institute”) was launched. The Institute aims to research and provide guidance on...
7/21/2021 4:47:00 PM Upcoming Changes to Singapore Copyright Law – a Primer for Media Companies By Alban Kang Pin-Ping Oh A major overhaul of Singapore copyright law is in the works. A new Copyright Bill that is expected to be enacted in November this year...
7/6/2021 4:55:00 PM New Spanish offensive against online piracy By David Fuentes Spain is aware of its opportunity to become one of the most important countries in the European audio-visual sector. For this reason, the...
7/5/2021 4:58:00 PM A National ‘Reset’ Begins: Defamation law reforms come into effect in NSW, Victoria, South Australia and QLD By James Hoy Sophie Dawson On 1 July 2021, new defamation laws come into effect in New South Wales (NSW), Victoria, South Australia and Queensland (QLD). These are...