4/28/2021 5:27:00 PM Advertising influencers and social media in Spain By Antonio Cueto On 5 March 2021, a resolution was handed down in Spain confirming that an advertisement owned by Samsung Electronics Iberia, S.A., which...
4/20/2021 5:29:00 PM Limiting liability in Consumer Terms: High Court rules in favour of online customer in £1.7 million dispute with Betfred By Andy Danson Elizabeth Dunn In Green v Petfre (Gibraltar) Ltd (t/a Betfred), the High Court ruled that Betfred were liable to pay out a customer’s £1.7 million...
4/2/2021 5:33:00 PM Court of Appeal addresses hyperlinking By William Wortley Phil Sherrell The Court of Appeal on Friday handed down its decision in Warner & Sony v TuneIn, a test case on hyperlinking on appeal from the High...