12/8/2021 10:10:00 PM “This is serious, Mum”: Serious harm considered in Rader v Haines By MediaWrites Editorial Julie Cheeseman Sophie Dawson A recent decision of the District Court of New South Wales is one of the first cases where an Australian Court has considered the...
12/7/2021 10:13:00 PM Australian Government proposes to shift publication liability from social media page owners to providers with the draft Social Media Bill 2021 By MediaWrites Editorial Sophie Dawson Julie Cheeseman The Australian Government has released draft defamation legislation in response to the recent High Court decision of Fairfax Media...
11/30/2021 4:48:00 PM Better late than never: Spain transposes Directives on copyright and related rights By David Fuentes In order to comply with the transposition obligation – yet with 5 months of delay and with a result that seems to be (at least)...
11/24/2021 4:55:00 PM Podcast: the UK’s Green Claims Code By Amy Donlevey Rory Coutts Following on from our article earlier this month, this podcast explores an important development for anyone operating in the advertising...
11/12/2021 4:58:00 PM CMA launches Green Claims Code By Ariane Le Strat Amy Donlevey Following consultation with stakeholders, the UK CMA published a Green Claims Code (the “Code”) and accompanying guidance (the...
11/8/2021 5:00:00 PM CMA to investigate the music streaming market By Aneesah Kabba Kamara Amy Cole The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) – the UK’s competition regulator – recently announced its intention to launch a market study...
10/29/2021 4:03:00 PM Podcast: esports, the metaverse and more – a conversation with Andrew Cooke, General Counsel at Fnatic (Part 2) By Will Deller Part 1 of the conversation between Andrew Cooke, General Counsel at Fnatic, and Bird & Bird’s Will Deller was released last Friday – you...
10/25/2021 4:08:00 PM Australian privacy overhaul on the horizon with the release of online privacy draft legislation and reform discussion paper By Sophie Dawson Emma Croft Changes to Australian laws proposed on 25 October 2021 will have a significant effect on media, social media and online businesses who...
10/20/2021 4:10:00 PM Podcast: esports, the metaverse and more – a conversation with Andrew Cooke, General Counsel at Fnatic (Part 1) By Will Deller Andrew Cooke is the General Counsel at Fnatic, the leading team in esports and a pioneer in the pro gaming space. He is joined by Will...
10/8/2021 4:13:00 PM Credits Due: the music industry’s new royalty and metadata campaign By Callum Granger ABBA’s Bjorn Ulvaeus unveiled the Credits Due Campaign on 21 September, which seeks to combat the metadata issue in the music industry so...
9/22/2021 4:15:00 PM Netherlands – geo-blocking requirement for non-licensed gambling operators By Roelien van Neck On Monday, the Dutch Minister for Justice and Security called for a geo-blocking obligation in relation to unlicensed operators that do...
9/9/2021 4:18:00 PM Case Update: Fairfax Media Publications Pty Ltd; Nationwide News Pty Limited; Australian News Channel Pty Ltd v Voller [2021] HCA 27 By Sophie Dawson Julie Cheeseman On 8 September 2021, Australia’s High Court dismissed an appeal by three Australian media organisations, finding that they were the...
8/31/2021 4:23:00 PM Video Games Tax Relief (“VGTR”) By Dean Rae Zoe Feller Video Games Tax Relief was introduced by the UK government in 2014, but what is it, who can claim it and how? Zoe Feller and Dean Rae...
8/18/2021 4:27:00 PM Ransom-where is your money going? Introduction of the Ransomware Payments Bill 2021 (Cth) By Sophie Dawson Emma Croft A number of high profile media and entertainment businesses have been the victims of ransomware attacks in recent years. In Australia, a...
8/12/2021 4:31:00 PM Case Update: Epic Games, Inc v Apple Inc: choice of forum clauses and public policy grounds – Epic Games, Inc v Apple Inc [2021] FCAFC 122 By Sophie Dawson Emma Croft On 9 July 2021, the Federal Court of Australia overturned a decision to award a stay based on an exclusive jurisdiction/choice of forum...
8/11/2021 9:15:00 PM Jonathan Taylor QC Q&A for Duke Law School’s Center for Sports Law & Policy By MediaWrites Editorial Jonathan Taylor QC, head of Bird & Bird’s sports law group, recently conducted a Q&A with Doraine Coleman, Co-Director of Duke Law...