2/21/2025 2:48:06 PM “Shambles” TV show format not protected by copyright as a dramatic work By Heidi Hurdle In a recent judgment, the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC) refused dramatic work copyright protection to the format of a TV...
1/27/2025 2:28:41 PM In-Game Loot Boxes: App Store Liability referred to CJEU By Guillaume de Villegas Lisa Gius By decision of 16 January 2025, the Enterprise Court of Antwerp (the “Court”) refers several prejudicial questions to the Court of...
12/6/2024 4:13:42 PM Modernising the UK Media Mergers Regime By Andrew Cox Dr Saskia King Alienor Troletti The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has launched a consultation into proposed changes to the media mergers regime. These...
10/31/2024 1:10:06 PM Women’s Sport Series: Podcast Summary - Sportswomen in the Retail Game By Lereesa Easterbrook Catriona Hodgson Retail overlaps and sponsorship opportunities in the world of women’s sport have soared in recent years, with collaborations such as...