26 Aug, 2022 Fork in the road: Australian internet defamation law reform options released By Sophie Dawson On 12 August 2022, the Meeting of Attorneys-General (MAG) released options for statutory reform of Australia’s defamation laws to deal...
08 Dec, 2021 “This is serious, Mum”: Serious harm considered in Rader v Haines By MediaWrites Editorial Julie Cheeseman Sophie Dawson A recent decision of the District Court of New South Wales is one of the first cases where an Australian Court has considered the...
03 Dec, 2020 Rebekah Vardy v Coleen Rooney: What next in the war of the WAGs? By Bryony Gold Following the recent ruling in the first stage of Rebekah Vardy’s libel claim before the English High Court, a preliminary hearing on...
26 Aug, 2020 Australian Defamation Law Reform Update – New South Wales passes reform bill By Sophie Dawson Bird & Bird's media team in Australia report on new changes to defamation law, anticipated to make it easier for the media to report on...
03 Jul, 2020 Australian Media Reform Report By Meggie Zhang Sophie Dawson Bird & Bird's media experts in Australia provide an essential guide to the huge amount of legal reform currently underway in the media...
26 Jun, 2020 Supreme Court defamation decision rules on public interest and judicial bias By Alexander Grigg Alex Grigg reports on a recent UK Supreme Court decision with important commentary on the public interest defence's applicability to...
10 Oct, 2019 #Advertisement must come first – Influencer Marketing in Hungary By Sophie Dawson Jarrad Parker and Sophie Dawson explain four major areas of proposed reform across the Australian media law landscape, and look ahead to...