10/5/2022 4:07:00 PM “New movies coming soon to the Metaverse near you” – Copyright issues with films in the metaverse By Dr. Niels Lutzhöft, LL.M. Dr. Simon Hembt Will we slip into avatars to see new movie releases in the metaverse in future? Film events have already made their way into today's...
11/27/2020 5:53:00 PM Circumventing technological protection measures and website blocking orders: An EU perspective By Prof. Dr. Eleonora Rosati In this article for MediaWrites, Eleonora Rosati considers an interesting recent development concerning website blocking orders in...
11/13/2020 6:19:00 PM IPO seeks views on AI and IP By Francesca Budd On 7 September 2020, the UK Intellectual Property Office launched a call for views on the relationship between Artificial Intelligence...
4/8/2020 3:48:00 PM COVID-19 and the Media, Entertainment & Sport Sector: A Step-by-Step Guide By Phil Sherrell Richard McMorris Esme Strathcole Phil Sherrell, Richard McMorris and Esme Strathcole explain how English contract law on force majeure and frustration applies to the...
4/7/2020 3:55:00 PM Event Sponsorships, COVID-19 and Force Majeure – Where do we stand? By Rich Hawkins COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on commercial operations across all sectors globally. This is no better demonstrated than in the...
3/25/2019 9:02:00 PM Mining the value of ‘Big Data’ in an era of Artificial Intelligence By Francine Cunningham While dissenting views around the proposed EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market have focused on the role of online...