3/2/2021 7:37:00 PM Global M&A Trends, Ciesco & Bird & Bird’s 2020 Global M&A Review and 2021 Outlook By Anna Mikhalkovich Despite the year behind us, the expected effects of the COVID did not entirely stifle the movement in the mergers and acquisitions (M&A)...
1/17/2020 5:17:00 PM Does the principle of exhaustion apply to digital media? The CJEU provides clarity By Robert Rose Robert Rose explains an important judgment from the CJEU which develops the law on copyright protection for digital content. In a...
7/19/2019 6:02:00 PM Update on Renckhoff: Re-posting a photograph without the explicit consent of the copyright holder may constitute copyright infringement By Franz Gernhardt, LL.M. Franz Gernhardt discusses the final decision in the Renckhoff case, as the German Court applies the CJEU's judgment – what does this mean...