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By the Media, Entertainment & Sport group of Bird & Bird

| less than a minute read

New Copyright Legislation in the EU – Towards a New Media and Tech Landscape?

7 June 2021 was the date by which Member States were required to implement the EU’s  DSM Directive, an ambitious effort aimed at developing and harmonising copyright law in a number of key areas, from platform liability to the contractual position of authors; from exceptions for text and data mining to a new right for press publishers.

Last week, Bird & Bird hosted a fascinating webinar exploring some of the complex questions relating to the Directive. Our international lawyers were joined by a stellar line up of speakers from the likes of Google, Microsoft and the Association of Commercial Television in Europe.

You can check out a recording of the webinar here.


social media, copyright, digital single market, media, regulation, copyright directive, eu, broadcasting, games, music, publishing