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By the Media, Entertainment & Sport group of Bird & Bird

| 1 minute read

Broadcasting & OTT Part 2: Demographic Change, Micropayments and Piracy

In 2020 we'll be periodically publishing podcasts looking at a range of interesting topics, bones of contention and issues to be grappled with in the Media, Entertainment & Sport sector.

We hope you enjoy our second podcast below, which focuses on what seismic demographic change might mean for the content industry: demographic change, micropayments and piracy for broadcasters.

The team delve into key issues looking at broadcasting, OTT, Gen Z, subscription models and, ever hard to get away from, piracy and, in particular:

  • whether Gen Z will ever pay for content;
  • how viewers are responding to the power of choice;
  • if a new economy could grow where users are required to provide enhanced data instead of subscriptions;
  • the sustainability of subscription models… and the viability micropayments as a possible solution; and
  • the prospects for advertising video-on-demand and premium content.

Presenters: Richard McMorris (Head of Broadcasting), Rebecca O’Kelly-Gillard (IP Partner), Philippe Bradley Schmieg (Data Protection Associate) & Matthew Standen (Media Associate).

Click here to listen

Stay tuned for more!

We’re always keen to listen to our audience and what they’d like to hear from us. If you have any suggestions for topics for future podcasts, please let us know at:


other, content, gen z, micropayments, video on demand, ott, videos, broadcasting