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By the Media, Entertainment & Sport group of Bird & Bird

| 1 minute read

Gambling Laws in Ireland: Appointment of a CEO Designate of the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland

There have long been promises of reform of gambling laws in Ireland, which is why the latest announcement in respect of the long-anticipated Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland is particularly interesting.

There have long been promises of reform of gambling laws in Ireland, which is why the latest announcement in respect of the long-anticipated Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland is particularly interesting. The appointment of Ms Anne Marie Caulfield as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Designate of the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland was announced on 8 September by the Minister of State with responsibility for law reform, James Browne TD. The appointment is intended to facilitate preparatory work in advance of the establishment Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland, which is expected to be operational by January 2023.

Once established, the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland will be tasked with implementing and monitoring the laws of the Gambling Regulation Bill which is currently being prepared for publication later this year. In October 2021 the Irish Government published the General Scheme of the Gambling Regulation Bill indicating the regulatory framework it intends to introduce. It is anticipated that the new legislation will regulate both online and in-person gambling, advertising relating to gambling, gambling websites and apps.

The current legislation has not been updated in Ireland since the 1950’s. The Gambling Regulation Bill is expected to implement more modern and effective regulatory and licensing measures, and to shift focus to public safety and wellbeing within the gambling sector.

Over the years promises of reform in this sector have not been delivered upon. So perhaps this appointment of the new CEO is an indication of real government commitment in this area. We will be keeping a close eye out for any further announcements and developments. If you would like any further information on gambling laws in Ireland, or elsewhere, our team of experts will be delighted to provide further information.


ireland, online, gambling